How safe is your home? 3 ways to protect your property

At home there are a number of things we can do to ensure that we’re adequately protected. ‘Your home is your castle’ as the saying goes, so why would you neglect security?
Unfortunately thieves can quickly spot a home that isn’t secure and then they’ll make their move. So what can you do? Well, there are a number of things, most of which are simple.
Here we’re going to outline a few ways that you can ensure that your castle is safe from an unwanted invasion.
Keep it occupied
Now obviously, you can’t have someone in the house all the time. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t make it look like there’s always someone home. Burglars pray on an empty property.
The first way you can do this is to leave a light on. This will bump up your electricity bill a little but which would you prefer – a slightly higher electric bill, or to be robbed? I think I know the answer.
You should also make sure that you shut the curtains at night and keep them open in the day. If you’re away for a while give a neighbour or family member you trust a key. Ask them to go in and pull open the curtains and switch the lights off in the day.
Understand how they work
Most burglars share a few techniques for their ‘trade’. Understanding these techniques means that you can protect yourself against them.
In general, a burglar won’t go for a home that’s occupied by a dog. They’re loud. If you already have a dog you’re fine. If not, then don’t worry. You don’t necessarily have to buy one. Just buy a sticker saying ‘beware of the dog’. A thief won’t bother to risk entering your property.
It seems a little stupid and obvious, but never leave a spare key underneath your mat or a plant pot. Burglars do check these spots. Also, don’t advertise your belongings. If valuable stuff is sat in the front window it’s going to be stolen.
Burglars, as you can probably guess, don’t like to be seen. Don’t give them any hiding spots on the approach to your house. Keep the garden trim.
Invest in security equipment
Another way in which you can protect your home is to put some money into good security equipment. Installing things like CCTV, alarms and lights are all things that a burglar hates. If they see them on your property, they’re going to avoid it like the plague.
Here at JNB Aerials we offer impartial advice on how best to protect your property. We can also offer competitively priced options in terms of security feature installations.
If you’d like to find out more feel free to contact us today.

JNB Aerials