Archive for the ‘News’ Category

10 Ways to Keep your Home Secure this Christmas

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It is vitally important to be extra vigilant against criminals in the holiday season so we at JNB Aerials have knocked together a little guidebook of tips to help secure your home, a lot of these ideas are free and simple to act on!

Always Keep Doors and Windows Fully Locked – This sound really simple and obvious but it is the one that catches people out the most, 40% of household burglaries not forced entry meaning that they have entered through an open door or window. It only takes a minute to check over your house and make sure all the windows and doors are locked fully before you leave the house.

Make sure your Alarms on – An alarming number of people pay a fortune to have an elaborate alarm system fitted only to not turn it on when they leave for work or at night-time, again, it only takes a second to turn it on and it will deter any would-be criminals. Remember, if your alarm is near a front door that has a window, a potential burglar may be able to see your alarm box and see it’s not activated!

CCTV Installation – This is becoming increasingly popular among families and they may not be as expensive as you think. Can you put a price on peace of mind?

Don’t leave things of display – Again, this may seem obvious but have a walk past your window and garden and have a look what is on display, you may just be advertising to potential thieves. Ensure you don’t leave any boxes for expensive items like TV’s, Laptops and Consoles outside your home, especially around the Christmas season, as this could be another advertisement that you have expensive items in your home.

Don’t Keep Spare Keys Hidden Outside – Keeping a spare key outside under the bin/doormat/plant pot is a jackpot for a burglar, if your relatives can find it, so can a thief! An alternative is to leave a key with a neighbour or friend that lives close by or get more sets of keys cut as they are relatively inexpensive

Make it look like your Home – Most burglaries take place in the daytime so it may be good idea to give the impression you are home when you are at work. Maybe leave the TV or radio on or get timer switches for the lights to make it look like your home, all this will deter a criminal and make them look for a different target.

Neighbours look out for each other – It is known that neighbourhoods that are tight-knit and look out for each other often experience lower burglary rates. This is because there are more eyes watching your home and strangers in the area will be spotted more effectively. If you are not in an official neighbourhood watch scheme it may be a good idea to have a chat with your neighbours and just agree to keep an eye out for each other.

Avoid announcing plans – There has been a major increase in criminals using social media to look out for people posting their holiday plans and pictures online. This is an advertisement that you are away and an invitation to a burglar, keep holiday plans off the internet and if possible, get someone to look after your house while your away.

Keep post maintained if going away – Another holiday related item, criminals will often look for signs such as a build-up of post to signal someone is away, it has even been found that criminals will place a pizza menu in your door and see how long it stays there for. If you go away for the holiday period, try and organise someone to move your post daily and maybe even walk up your drive in the event of snow to make some footprints, giving the impression that someone is in the house.

Be prepared – If the worst should happen, be prepared for it. Ensure all laptops and electronics are backed up, any expensive items are known to your insurer, cash is well hidden and any safe is bolted down. Hopefully this won’t happen to you but it is always best to be prepared just in case.

Hopefully there a few tips in here to help keep your home and family secure this Christmas; from everyone at JNB Aerials have a Happy and Safe Christmas!

Prices of Aerial Installation in the Sale and The North West

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I wanted to write an article today to highlight a worrying trend amongst some unscrupulous aerial fitters right here in the North-West that I have come across in recent weeks; and also give some information on how to avoid these fitters and make sure you get a quality product and service. There have been some ‘aerial engineers’ offering cut-price installations to consumers that, on the face of it, seem to blow the competitors out of the water, however, these companies have been offering a very poor quality service, using low quality materials and taking shortcuts that have led to equipment being damaged.

The number of these cases has recently shot up as we have been called out by consumers that have been victims of poor quality workmanship, meaning that what started out as a discount price ends up in the consumer forking out twice for the same job. Some examples of this poor quality work are the ‘engineers’ not using splitters and just twisting wires together, this will cause your reception to be poor and signals to get mixed up down the line, if left long enough this will need to be replaced at extra cost to the customer. Fortunately, JNB Aerials offer a guarantee on all products of at least 12 months, so you can be rest assured that the products you are receiving are of high quality.

A recent botched job we were called to involved a less than reputable firm fitting an outside cover that wasn’t waterproof, you can see the results in the picture. Not only did this customer have to have the fittings on their aerial replaced, water had begun running down the wire inside the house, causing damage inside their home. To ensure this doesn’t happen with any of our fittings, we only use fully waterproof enclosures for all outdoor connections as standard, as we believe they are essential in safeguarding your aerial systems longevity.

We have built up our good reputation for the last 5 years and work on the ethos that if we provide a quality, reliable service, we will be here for years to come. Unfortunately, some companies don’t work with the same mission statement and this post should serve as a reminder that it is not always best to take the cheapest quote as you could end up being burnt from poor quality service, unscrupulous firms and needing to replace these items out of your own pocket. Get it right first time and come to JNB Aerials for a minimum 12 month guarantee, high quality products and a friendly service.


Joel Higgins

Aerial Engineer

How safe is your home? 3 ways to protect your property

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At home there are a number of things we can do to ensure that we’re adequately protected. ‘Your home is your castle’ as the saying goes, so why would you neglect security?
Unfortunately thieves can quickly spot a home that isn’t secure and then they’ll make their move. So what can you do? Well, there are a number of things, most of which are simple.
Here we’re going to outline a few ways that you can ensure that your castle is safe from an unwanted invasion.
Keep it occupied
Now obviously, you can’t have someone in the house all the time. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t make it look like there’s always someone home. Burglars pray on an empty property.
The first way you can do this is to leave a light on. This will bump up your electricity bill a little but which would you prefer – a slightly higher electric bill, or to be robbed? I think I know the answer.
You should also make sure that you shut the curtains at night and keep them open in the day. If you’re away for a while give a neighbour or family member you trust a key. Ask them to go in and pull open the curtains and switch the lights off in the day.
Understand how they work
Most burglars share a few techniques for their ‘trade’. Understanding these techniques means that you can protect yourself against them.
In general, a burglar won’t go for a home that’s occupied by a dog. They’re loud. If you already have a dog you’re fine. If not, then don’t worry. You don’t necessarily have to buy one. Just buy a sticker saying ‘beware of the dog’. A thief won’t bother to risk entering your property.
It seems a little stupid and obvious, but never leave a spare key underneath your mat or a plant pot. Burglars do check these spots. Also, don’t advertise your belongings. If valuable stuff is sat in the front window it’s going to be stolen.
Burglars, as you can probably guess, don’t like to be seen. Don’t give them any hiding spots on the approach to your house. Keep the garden trim.
Invest in security equipment
Another way in which you can protect your home is to put some money into good security equipment. Installing things like CCTV, alarms and lights are all things that a burglar hates. If they see them on your property, they’re going to avoid it like the plague.
Here at JNB Aerials we offer impartial advice on how best to protect your property. We can also offer competitively priced options in terms of security feature installations.
If you’d like to find out more feel free to contact us today.

4G – How WIll 4g at 800 mhz effect my Tv Aerial interference

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This year we will be introduced to the super fast 4g . This will be transmitted at 800 mhz . Unfortunately  this frequency is rather close to the freeview signal we used to watch our normal Tv . This means there is going to disruption to some peoples Tv sets you may get interference. If you have a Tv aerial with a booster or mast head amplifier  you will be more at risk to this disruption .

We Have the solution !!

You can fit and inline filter that blocks out the 800 mhz frequency  .This can be done by a professional  or in some cases yourself .

For more information try this site .

We are now installers of The Fantastic systemline E200 multi zone audio system

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Systemline E200 is from the Systemline Easy Install range and is a built-in DAB / FM Radio iPod Sound System, delivering a clutter free high quality audio solution.  And don’t worry, despite its advanced features, it is just as easy to use as any other table-top radio, but with a number of extra benefits.

  • No Clutter – it’s built into the wall and ceiling.
  • Wipe clean – not a dust & grime collector.
  • In-wall iPod Dock – a nice feature missing from most radios.
  • Great sound quality – far better than your average radio and much more enjoyable.
  • TV sound – Pipe TV sound through your Systemline E200 system for much better sound quality.
  • Better sound dispersion – particularly important in larger kitchens or more open plan room layouts.
  • Alarm – Great for Bedrooms with en-suite Bathrooms where an additional pair of ceiling speaker could be installed.
  • Optional Bluetooth Adapter – A great function whereby you can use Bluetooth enabled devices in your hand and wire-free.
  • Optional Extra Pair of Ceiling Speakers – Great for larger rooms to ensure the sound is dispersed equally*.
  • Multi Room Expandable – Can be used as a source to a multi room / zone audio system, additional hardware required.
The Systemline E200 DAB Ceiling Radio and iPhone / iPod Docking System is the perfect audio system for a clutter free lifestyle, with its fully integrated FM and DAB Radio this Ceiling Speaker System is ideal for Kitchens, Bedrooms and En-Suite Bathrooms.  systemline e200 multi zone music wireless media player

Why satellite broadband? 20 meg guarantee

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How do I get fast broadband in a rural area?


Using a small dish on the outside of your property, along with a set-top box inside, we can offer you fast broadband, reliably, wherever you’re located. You can share the service just as you would with wired broadband, using a conventional network or wirelessly, giving your computer or smart phone access to all the latest internet services and feature rich content.

EuropaSat has brought together under one roof the best satellite broadband services available, and we make it easy for you to get on-line quickly and cheaply even in places where you may have thought fast broadband was impossible.

Because we’re independent and don’t work with just one satellite owner, we can be honest about which satellite based broadband service is best for you. Our pioneering website allows you to select the options most important to you, and see the best satellite broadband deal for the job.


Call today on 0161 956 8654 or email